Kanani's Doll Hospital Visit

The past two years I have found myself very bothered my Kanani's hair. In the beginning, her hair was beautiful, soft, and shiny. In recent times, it lost its softness, shine, and curls. This was due to my not up to par hair management skills. Kanani belongs to my sister, by the way.
My sister wasn't too fond of the idea of getting Kanani fixed. She liked that we had a doll whose hair was okay to experiment with. I understood where she was coming from, but it absolutely bothered me.
After making a compromise with her that if we switched backpacks she'd let me send her, Kanani was off to the hospital.
She wasn't gone long at all to my surprise! She was gone less than two weeks! Maybe even a week. I'm not for sure when my dad actually got her to the post office.
She got a new head ($40) and her ears pierced ($17). The grand subtotal with shipping was a $70-$80. I'd have to look at the receipt to be exact.
So here are some pictures of our little princess!
Before... Look how bad her hair had gotten! It had been in a bun however.

After... She looks flawless!

I'm so thrilled to have our beautiful Kanani back! Her shiny, soft curls have been deeply missed. She has her ears pierced too which is a unique touch! Now she's ready to be primped up for the holidays!

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